Sunday, November 25, 2007

what a ho

so harper and i are leaving target this afternoon and we're walking to the car and she's all "tra-la-la-la-la" and i'm so happy as well because our hands are stuffed with bags and bags of christmas goo and we're just about go home and trim the tree, or as harper puts it, "put on the christmas toys". and i've bought cinnamon sticks for cider and life is grand and ho ho ho (which if you've been watching the news you know we're not allowed to say anymore). and then i see a young girl chuck her shopping cart into our car. and, because i'm always in the mood to bust someone's lip, i start something:

"hey, what's the big idea?"


"dude, do you realize that the cart corral thingie is right next to your freaking car?"

"i don't care, it's not my job."

"neither is busting up my saab with your cart."

"is that your saab?"

"uh, yes."

"i like the color."

and just as i'm about to show her that my favorite color is blood red, harper says to the girl:

"what is your favorite color?"

"pink." she says. and gets into her car and drives away.

and i breathe. so fucking hard. and i stop and i remember that i am a mom and i can't be going around busting up college chicks because that was so, like, over a decade ago. and i look at h and she smiles at me and we put our bags in the car and we drive ho ho home.

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