Monday, November 17, 2008

sebastien tellier: divine

when my interns go to france they come back and bring me presents. i have to think on this one but i have never been one to return a gift.

Thomas Dutronc - J'aime plus Paris

and this one sounds like chris isaac but less sad. because no one can be as sad as chris isaac. in fact, if you put your ear up to any seashell you can still here him crying like a baby. on that beach. with that disaffected girl.


Anonymous said...

Exactly why I've never been able to listen to much Chris Isaak. Dude depresses me.

Anonymous said...

Eh. Isaak's sadness seems so stylized. Buying into it would be a bit like believing Vanilla Ice used to run around with a shotgun.

I love Isaak's songs, though not enough to have more than one of his albums.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait - it's *Shay* who has the gauge. Vanilla just has the nine.

On the Tellier front, I love "La Ritournelle". Although I wish he wouldn't sing!

Anonymous said...

Gosh - just watched the Tellier video! As his hair grows thicker with each successive record, he increasingly looks like a Geico caveman...