Tuesday, March 25, 2008

bathroom curation

i stack books in my bathrooms that i think people will want to read. not that i necessarily need people to be hanging out in these rooms for extended periods of time, but i have a feverent hope that they will glance the stack and say, "wow, i've always wanted to know a bit more about satan." and thus open 'heaven and hell' and come away with dozens of terms for the underlord, like well, underlord. or el diablo. or iblis.

or perhaps i have a quarreling couple at one of my dinner parties, and the man will go in to what looks like just a bathroom to wash his hands and wipe his brow and he'll just happen to stumble upon a little book of shakespeare's sonnets. he quickly memorizes a couple lines like, "if i could write the beauty of your eyes and in fresh numbers number all your graces..." later, in bed, he'll whisper them in his wife's ear. and voila, the next day they've booked a cruise.

or maybe you haven't read a book in a while and you're beating yourself up about it and lo and behold you spot 'the mystery at lilac inn'. why, in one sitting you've already gotten to page 16, and that was before someone gently knocked on the door to see if everything was alright. this surge of reading potential spurs you on to go to the book store and pick up your own nancy drew. maybe a couple of them. because, you know, they're like candy.

i'm just saying. books belong everywhere

1 comment:

palm tree said...

The mystery at lilac inn....I love it.