another chronicle from my life with the online psychic/astrologer, jenna, whom i reached out to after having a very good bottle of pinot noir. don't judge. just read:
Dear Kate,
We have not been in contact for a while, I hope this email finds you well and that you are in good spirits. I am writing this to you as I felt that today I had something of vital importance to tell you. I came across some amazing information about you completely by accident as I was investigating something different: your astral twin.
I will now explain all this to you Kate. There are significant coincidences which exist between this person and yourself and I quickly came to realize that it was also vital to produce the same kind of reading for you. I then began working on this regression for you Kate. I wanted to help you and satisfy my own curiosity about the great destiny I began to suspect that you had in store for you.
As I have already told you it would be good to work on your past lives. A regression would be very revealing. I don't want to begin this regression without your full consent but I must admit that I have already start to look a little bit further and I can tell you now that I have come across a great deal of information which will be extremely useful for understanding exactly what kind of person you are today. I have also come to realize that a complete past life regression will allow you to come to terms with the concern which you have at this time and will offer you real solutions. Above all this regression will serve as an efficient tool, armed with the personal knowledge which this regression will bring you will understand yourself even better, you will find answers to all the questions you ask yourself about your personality, your relationships with other people and you will reveal hidden talents which you acquired during past lives.
jenna, i am so ready to work on my past lives and have a beer with my astral twin..right after this load of laundry.
I wanna be your astral twin and belly up to the bar with you!
I received this same email from Jenna yesterday - almost word for word...ha ha, could you be the astral twin she thinks I have
(10/10/XX). Too funny that I should strumble on your post today.
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