okay, confession time. i was feeling really lonely/bored/rudderless a few months ago and so, one night, i consulted the help of an online psychic/astrologer named jenna. read that last sentence again. since that evening, i have been receiving emails, insights if you will, from jenna nearly every week. to purge this embarrassment i am going to share an excerpt from her latest email:
As I have already told you, I have been feeling very close to you ever since we first entered in contact and today I had to write to you about something very important concerning your future. I am going to invite you to make a fascinating journey with me.
This is in fact a unique and exciting opportunity voyage into the depths of your Soul to discover your Power Animal. It is an ancient Shamanic technique and as the oldest spiritual practice on Earth Shaminism is found in all cultures far and wide. The strength of this ancestral talent is to work on the animal spirits which we all have inside of us as very few us actually realise that we posses this power. Bringing out this hidden power is a fascinating experience which will reveal your totem animal and show you how you can use it's strength, wisdom and protection. Once we meet this strong part of our soul it becomes our guide and a spiritual ally which we can no longer live without. Even those people who have a make an uncertain beginning to this technique are amazed to find that they are starting something which is set to change their lives for ever.
i hope i get to be a leeeemur.
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