Saturday, March 27, 2010

my sweet nicole


hearing your voice yesterday made me miss you deeply. it's funny to think of us raising these little girls, isn't it? i mean, wasn't it just last sunday that cody was introducing us and slipping us money to go get drunk in that irish bar? i remember you being so droopy-lidded and smiley in the diner where we split that grilled cheese. cody did that good work that day, what with gettin' the two of us gals hitched for life and all.

see you in a couple of weeks...

ex, oh...


be amish for a bit

they do make nice furniture.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

like a persian kitten, she is

if someone was ever like, "quick, who do you think the most beautiful girl in the world is?" i'd be all, "duh, claire forlani." seriously, she makes those FHM girls look like dog chow.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

kids in the haul

i love how she donates to the sal-i-va-tion army.

Monday, March 22, 2010

austin: day four

oh austin, you saved the best for last. these little swedish teenagers boarded a plane, all by themselves, and for the first time came to america to give us this. just darling.

austin: day three

she rocked it. in her unapologetic style. she talked about pain and loss and regret...and vaginas. and i know she's a train wreck but i can't help but like her. besides, she now crochets. probably because it has the word crotch in it.